Latest thoughts

Navigating complex health and welfare systems is stressful, and you can feel alone, but the good news is that you are NOT alone. Help is out there, and hopefully these few suggestions will get you started on a useful track.
Published on Tuesday, August 17th, 2021

It is really common for parents and carers to worry about how to manage change, and how much to get involved in their teen’s life, so here are my top 3 suggestions for surviving the autumnal turmoil.
Published on Monday, August 16th, 2021

This blog is written with the aim of potentially inspiring you and your teens to try some new ways to achieve a feeling of wellbeing, including perhaps some more unusual methods of getting your daily squirt of happy hormones!
Published on Monday, June 21st, 2021

Last week I was delighted to have Dr Sanni Norweg (a psychologist and NHS lead of the Bristol Eating Disorders team) as my guest, to talk about food, eating and body issues, as this is a complex and challenging topic which worries a lot of families.
Published on Monday, June 21st, 2021

One of the nicest parts of my job has always been talking to young people; students, teens, and other young adults about their lives.Recently I’ve been asking them how they feel about the next few months, about coming out of lockdown, and the start of a new academic year in September
Published on Tuesday, April 27th, 2021

This year’s mental health awareness week theme is Connecting with Nature, and whilst that might sound lovely to us oldies, it can sometimes feel like a struggle to get our teens out of their darkened, screen lit rooms, let alone into nature. Especially after a year of walking round the local park!
Published on Tuesday, April 27th, 2021