Latest thoughts

Online gaming has created a parenting nightmare that few of us are skilled up and ready for, especially as it is often a daily battle, with the potential for addiction looming over your child, and it can be exhausting.
Published on Monday, October 16th, 2023

Here I summarise here some key ‘what to watch for’ info and some credible resources you can take a look at, if you are not sure what to do next and are worried about your son’s eating, weight or exercise behaviours.
Published on Friday, October 13th, 2023

Exam stress is common of course, and, to a certain extent, normal, and can even be a bit helpful. What we want to avoid, though, are extremes of stress, or of any other behaviour or emotions.
Published on Monday, March 13th, 2023

I am a big fan of sleep. But sometimes sleep is elusive. It can be hard to fall asleep, or you might wake in the night or too early every morning. This is unhelpful to your wellbeing. Here is how to approach teen insomnia.
Published on Sunday, February 12th, 2023

For those of us who have been there, the word ‘homework’ can conjure up visions of shouting, crying, and tantrums (and that may just be mum or dad). Here are some thoughts about how to change this.
Published on Saturday, February 4th, 2023
Every now and then a book comes along that stops you in your tracks, with multiple light bulb moments, and a really important message. ‘He’s Not Lazy’ by Adam Price was a book like that for me
Published on Thursday, January 19th, 2023